Priory Road
The entrance for Priory Road allotments can be found next to St Catherine’s School. Although generally a peaceful site, things can get a bit noisy around playtime! This site has 78 plots and can be accessed by car.
The toilet if located half-way up the site roadway on the left-hand side.
Soil type
Much of the surrounding low-lying area is marshland. The soil parent material is alluvium: clay, silts, sand and gravel, with a soil texture of peaty clay. Although fairly free draining, this does cause some areas of the site to become waterlogged in very wet winters.
There are three main areas for parking, one at the front by the noticeboard, the second halfway down by the toilet, and a third at the far end. Do not park on the site roadways. Please be considerate to other site users when loading/unloading outside of your plot.