Churchdale Road
Churchdale Road site is accessed from the cycle path that runs alongside the Horsey Sewer. There are two gates. Churchdale has a total of 220 plots.
There are two toilets on site. The first is located just inside the main gate at Marchant’s Field. The second can be found along the main site road, opposite the Durley Field car park.
A defibrillator can be found outside the first gate. This is for public use and will talk you through step by step.
Soil type
Much of the surrounding low-lying area is marshland. The soil parent material is alluvium: clay, silts, sand and gravel, with a soil texture of peaty clay. Although for most of the year this means the site is fairly free draining, this does cause some lower areas of the site to become waterlogged in very wet winters.
There are several car parks around the site. Do not park on the site roadways. Please be considerate to other site users when loading/unloading outside of your plot.
DANGER – Please be aware that there are numerous drainage ditches throughout the site. Children must be monitored at all times.